Rad 2

First, some backstory. If you want to skip that part and get to the good stuff, then scroll to the bottom for the cover art, story blurb, and link to download the free ebook!

The 80’s BMX film “Rad” was a movie night staple in my house when I was growing up. Cru Jones was an absolute hero to my brother and me both. Unfortunately, it’s not as widely appreciated as other flicks of its generation, which means that my references to the iconic cult classic often fall on deaf ears for those uninitiated to the greatness of Rad. So when I crack a lame joke about Helltrack or “Hollywood” Mike Miranda, and another human being catches it, a new bond is instantly formed.

That’s exactly what happened with this situation. I had known Bill Rowe for awhile, but it took several instances of being at the same social gatherings before we discovered each other’s love for this movie. As soon as the realization occurred, we were off to the races. Conversations turned into making random statements about specific characters. Those random statements turned into a major creative brainstorming session on social media, and that’s where the idea for this story came from. What if there was a sequel that picked up where Rad left off. What would the characters be up to today, and how could we relive the excitement of Helltrack?

From there, this outcome was inevitable. I went down major rabbit holes online. I researched the source material, looking for details that would make or break our story. I designed a bitching cover that honored the original poster art, without being so obnoxiously 80’s. And then I had to write it.

What you are about to see is the result of all those things. It’s a product of love for a film property that seemingly refuses to acknowledge its fan base. The only problem I’ve run into now that the story is done is distribution. With this project being a fan fiction story, I own zero rights to the characters or settings, which is where everyone else benefits. I can’t sell the story or profit off of it in any way, so I am posting it here, for free, for whoever wants it! Did you grow up loving Rad like me? Or are you just looking for a new read? Or maybe, just maybe, you’re a diehard supporter and read everything I create. That last one is wishful thinking, but it’s my website and I can be delusional if I want to. So without further delay, please click the link below and enjoy a sequel that is long overdue. Reach out on here, email, or my social media pages to let me know what you think!

Cru Jones has grown up. His one-time love for BMX racing has come to a crashing halt. So what is he supposed to do when his former partner announces that he’s bringing the BMX tour back to town to resurrect Helltrack for a thirty-fifth anniversary race? How does he handle his local legend status, and prevent his teenaged daughter from getting involved in the race? If he avoids the whole thing entirely, and forbids his daughter from riding, then he shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Old friendships are tested and old rivals re-emerge in this long-overdue sequel to the cult classic 80’s BMX movie, RAD.

Let’s walk this sucker.

Click here to get your free copy of the RAD 2: Return to Helltrack ebook